Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you need to know anything about the sport of rowing?

    No, RPI Crew teaches rowing to anyone who is willing to try/learn. All are welcome to try with zero commitment necessary.

  • How do I communicate with and join the club?

    All our announcements, whether they are club announcements or practice announcements, are through our RPI Crew Discord. When joining, you will be asked to provide first and last name, and your RPI email. After that, you will be verified and added to the full server. If you are not an RPI affiliated person, please reach out directly to the coaches and the president for further information.

  • Do you need to know how to swim?

    Yes. In case of emergency situations out on the water, having the capability to swim is imperative to ensure that all rowers and coxswains are safe. Coaches are equipped with life jackets and will distribute accordingly in emergency situations. RPI Crew holds a swim test to all new members every semester that you must pass in order to participate in the club.

  • Is practice ever cancelled?

    Yes. Rowing is an outdoor sport and practice is always tentative with weather as the largest factor. The decision to cancel practices will always be sent to the team at the latest the evening before practice. All announcements are conversed through Discord.

  • What should I wear to practice?

    For land practice, sneakers and athletic clothing are perfect. Always be prepared to run. For water practices, warmer, tight-fitting clothing is always preferred. Non-cotton layers are heavily recommended, as cotton clothing when wet robs the body of heat. (Yes it is a water sport, you will get wet). Dress accordingly for the weather. Typically, practices 60 degrees F are fine to wear shorts and a t-shirt. Water temperatures are coldest in the spring and end of fall, and are the biggest concerns in our day to day practices. ALWAYS BRING AN EXTRA CHANGE OF CLOTHES IN CASE YOU NEED TO CHANGE.

  • What is the time commitment for RPI Crew?

    Depending on the team, the commitment is a few practice a week or 5 days a week including some weekends for regattas. The expectation is that you attend every practice you are able to go, regardless of major and other club/organization commitments. If there are time conflicts in your schedule to the practice/race schedule, please contact the coaches directly.

  • How much does RPI Crew cost?

    The sport of rowing is expensive, with new boats costing anywhere in the realm of $10-50k. The dues price for the fall and spring for RPI students is ___. Summer has reduced dues as the semester is shorter. Dues help the club operate, purchase new equipment, fix current equipment, and take the club to regattas. If you are not affiliated with RPI, please contact the coaches and the president in regard to dues pricing and joining.

  • Can I miss practice?

    No*. If you have prior commitments in your schedule, or any time conflicts, please reach out to the coaches. Rowing is a sport that requires time and patience to become technically proficient. Crews win regattas by rowing together, and not by missing practices. By missing practice you jeopardize your spot in a boat lineup and possible your boat's ability to row that day. The commitment to RPI Crew varies on what team you are a part of. Reach out to the coaches for more information.

  • Where does RPI Crew practice?

    Our land practices are held in the basement of the ‘87 Gym on campus. We have an erg room where we erg and condition. We also practice on the ‘86 field, weather permitting. Water practices are ran from Hudson Shores Park in Watervliet. 36 Selke Dr, Watervliet, NY 12189. If practice is cancelled or ends early at the boathouse, we will conduct land practice at the boathouse.

  • How often does RPI Crew race?

    The fall season is our main racing season, with races about every weekend from the end of September to end of October. The spring and summer seasons may race dependent on academic schedule and availability of students at the end of the semesters. Spring racing is typically held end of April and May. See racing schedule for more up-to-date information on the season by season race schedule.

  • How long is the usual practice?

    The usual practice is about 2 hours long, in either the mornings before classes or the evenings. Mornings are typically 5:15-7:15am, and evenings are tentatively planned based on the availability of the students on the current team. See the Schedule tab for more current information regarding practice schedule.

Where is the boathouse?

Our boathouse is located in Hudson Shores Park just across the river in Watervliet. The address is 36 Selke Dr, Watervliet, NY 12189.

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Where is the erg room?

The erg room is in the basement of the '87 gym. Take the main stairs all the way down and the erg room is at the end of the hallway.

Still have a question?

Contact the coaches or the officers.

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